Spiritual Gifts

Our Father is the giver of every good gift and He evidently delights in showering a dowery upon the future Bride of His Beloved  Son. Not only is there a special gift for personal upbuilding, there are nine gifts of empowerment for ministry and three sets of gifts (21 in all) for the full equipping of the Body.


Speaking in Tongues  Many have been offended by this one, yet it was the first the disciples received after the resurrection. Paul even boasted of praying in tongues more than the others. So, if you have a problem with this one, our adivce to you is get over it... and get it. You'll be glad you did!

The Manifestation Gifts

Revelation Gifts  Every light that shines in our dark world is a gift of revelation from the Father of Lights. Nevertheless, these gifts function like airport searchlights compared to typical human reasoning.

Power Gifts  Any prayer can become powerful if God Almighty God moves upon it to answer. Even so, He has given us three supernatural enhancements which can be added to the tool kit that every believer receives through the new birth. These come through the Baptism of Power which Jesus told His disciples that they need to pray for and seek to receive.

Prophetic Gifts  Every believer can speak to God and hear from Him through the Word as well as by "still small voice of His Spirit speaking within. These three gifts really turn the volume up.



Three Gift Sets  Our chief source of empowerment for ministry comes through "spiritual gifts." For starters, there are three different sets of gifts. In this day and age, the supernatural gifts are more available than ever before and, perhaps, far more necessary. Without them, we simply limp along doing the best we can, operating out of our heads and our souls, but lacking in divine power. This simply cannot bring the victories over spiritual darkness that is running rampant over the earth.

5 Ministry Gifts

7 Motivational Gifts

9 Manifestation Gifts

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